Although I‘ve lost a family member and a loved one I Never experienced losing a animal. It sounds so crazy doesn’t it? Actually maybe laughable. However I didn’t know it was a feeling that cuts like a knife when it happens to you. Sasha was my dog that had been with our family since my son was 10. He’s now 20. Putting her down was one of the worst experiences of my life. I Loved my baby. It was when we took her to the doctor on that Saturday only to find out we would have to make a decision that same day to put her down on that following Monday. 🤦🏾♀️ That Hurt so bad. Not knowing our baby was dealing with 3 cancerous tumors which blocked her from being able to urinate properly. All the while I knew something was wrong but not to that degree. So upon taking her to get checked out I though I’d be bringing her home with medication to help her because it would be said whatever it was could be fixed. I made the decision to be right by her side until she took her last breath. Because even though I had to scold her from time to time she knew I loved her and I

needed her to know I was gonna be right by her side til the end.I know dogs dont last forever, but they become your babies, your children, your family. So when I say cherish each and every moment with your loved ones, this one is included. Your animals as well. I know this decision was best, but I miss her dearly.